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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nemo has a crush and Stetson has meningitis... Whaa???

Nemo has a cruuuuuuush! How cute.
Anywho, hey kids, how is life?
Well, my wife can't hang out with anyone anyone any more because she, Stetson (My cousin) and I were hanging out a few days ago (see previous blog :D) and then Stets went home and everyone was like, "Whoa. WHoa there, pal. This boy has meningitis."
He was in the hospital for a few days but he's home now. :) But it sucks because now his mom is all, "Oh, you guys can't hang out now."
I'm like, WTF?! Why are you punishing them because one person got sick?! For the sake of all that is good and holy, it's not like we injected him with it!!! Let us chill!
Anywho, he's doing better :) so yay for that.
I saw the movie Limitless! Bradley Cooper is such a sexy. Nice body, cute butt, pretty eyes... Great actor... Funny, what's not to like? ;)
I dunno why I even blog haha! I have no readers... Hahaha I blog for myself. Yay, cool me :)
I will be blogging more, I swear!
G'night kids.
I'm not going to bed but... It is nighttime, I suppose. :D
Bye then... (Isn't this so like one of those, we-went-on-a-date-but-I-don't-like-you-that-much-but-I-told-you-I'd-call-you-so-I-am, type things? I dunno, It sounds awkward :))
Toodle-oo :D

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh my goodness I'm a slacker!

Hey kids, how is life?
I am such a slacker, I know! I'm terrible! It's just been busy, busy, busy. Y'know?
Up first on the agenda:
SCHOOL HAS BEEN OUT FOR LIKE, A WEEK! Two? Not sure haha, I'm actrually too lazy to do the math.
Guess what?!
You're gonna be jealous; I dunno if I should actually tell you....
I WENT TO EARTHFEST! For all you lame'os who don't know what that is, it was an AMAZING concert with appearances by Brogan Kelby, Iyaz(who sucked), Cobra Starship, Downtown Fiction, and....
Now that that has been said, I would like for everyone to know that I am currently hanging out with my wifey, Nmutua, and my lame cousin, Stetson. (Wifey threatened me, so I had to mention her :))
OBSESSED with music, as usual!
I have a date thing, of sorts on Wednesday, but shh! It's a secret! :D
Wow, I'm lazy! Love you kids!
A very, tired, lazy, boring Miah :))

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well, some stuff has happened in this last little while.

Hey kids,How is life?
As you see in the title, some stuff has happened over the last little while.
Stuff that I'm afraid, I cannot tell you. Because I am far too lazy. Just wanted to say hi, check in, y'know?
How's your mom?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hey kids, how is life?
Number One: I would like to point out the obvious. That is a big bunny.
Anyways, I wanted to talk about something! An actual topic! Quite strange for me, I know. Bear with me. It'll only sting a little :)
I just wanted to point out how much many people depend on and revolve around material possessions. And, okay, I know that there are certain material possessions of my own that I wouldn't give up, but, I'm talking about holidays and things like that. If kids don't get what they want for Christmas, or Easter, or their birthdays, they have tantrums, because that's what our world is these days.
Money to buy more objects.
Adults and teenagers these days, you know, it's like if someone doesn't get a certain thing from a certain person at a certain time, holy crap! The world's gonna melt down!
Now I'm not trying to say stop giving things to people. Give! But don't be so dependent on others giving to you.
Just a thought.
Later, kids!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rio and other exciting things! :))

Hey kids, how is life?
Last night I went to see Rio with my stepsister and it was pretty cute! Not gonna lie! The scenery in this animated comedy was done beutifully. Translated:I wanna go to Rio! It looked so pretty! :))
Anywho, I am at my dad's for the weekend. Well, I'm going home for Easter morning, but then I'm coming back. I'm looking forward to Easter. It's another occasion to add to the chocolate stockpile. :)
What if an emergency happened and I didn't have CHOCOLATE?! I would probably die, not even lying. Just kidding, but... Still! Easter helps me with my emergency fund :D
My little sissies are so adorable; I love spending time with them! So cute! Until they're brats, that is. :)
My tummy kinda hurts! Mleh, aw well.
Bye for now, kids!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ooh man, update!

Well, hey kids, how is life?
Nemo didn't have that party we discussed, she told me SUPER LATE. "Super late" as in, I had already had a big arguement with my dad about letting me go! But, whatever.
School has been the same-ole-same-ole, you know? Nothing really new there.
Why does anyone read this? Do you have any idea how boring I am?
In ceramics we're doing tiles for the wall in the cafeteria! Ifeel that that's really cool because, as ninth graders (only us cool kids can take ceramics) we are literally leaving our mark on/in the school. TowTow Queen and I are both a little disappointed that we can't actually keep them, though. Meh, aw well. It's still pretty cool.
Ooh! In case anyone not from Utah (highly doubtful) is reading my blog, there has been a lot of flooding in southern Utah because of the run-off from all the snow we got in winter. And spring. Ugh. Anywhoo, that really sucks. These flood are destroying peoples crops. And I mean, it's not like it affects me all that much but, these crops are these people's whole lives. It's terrible.
HOLY CRAP! McDonalds' goal today was to hire 50,000 people! Seriously, people! Don't be so picky, go get a freaking job there! Clearly they're desperate for more employees if they're hiring 50,000 people! fifty-thousand! I'd do it but I think I have to be 16. Mleh.
TowTow Queen and I are hanging out tomorrow. We're going to Petersen's and then, maybe, if we can get a ride, we'll go to the library. I really want to. Hm... Maybe we could ride the bus!
Random Letter of the Day:

Dear Utah Weather,
I love, love, LOVE springtime. So make up your mind! And, for the sake of all things good and holy, please stop snowing.
Love, A very hopeful recipient of rain.

Bye, kids. Sleep tight!
xoxo, Miah

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When am I not busy?!

Hey kids, how is life?
I'm so super busy lately! I just cannot believe it! I'm pretty tired of running around and I'm just sitting at home today, relaxing. It's nice. Not that I don't adore my friends and love spending time with them, I do! I just want a little time to be lazy, ya know?
The TowTow Queen's birthday was yesterday and her cake was fabulous(<---for some reason, I am now saying this all the time). She says it's called Better-Than-Sex cake, but some people feel awkward and so she calls it Better-Than-Anything cake. Either way, it was freaking delicious.
I also wanted to inform everyone that I am now in the loop! I finally watched Tangled. It was SUPER cutesy! I loved it!
"Listen to your mumsy!"
Well, my life, despite its business, is rather boring so...
----- Lazy Miah-Pants!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Neglectful me!

I'm soooo sorry I haven't bloggity-blogged in a while, but, what can I say? I just haven't had the time!
Hey kids, how is life?
I'm pretty excited for this summer because me and the TowTow Queen and Nemo are thinking about running away for a week or so. Well, not so much running away as living on our own. What I wanna do is just take like, 100 dollars and for some supplies(i.e. food!) and a sleeping bag. We wouldn't be sleeping in any houses, just out!
Anywhoo, the other parties aren't quite sure they can yet, but, I guess someone will, eventually.
*excited squeal* Nemo is (maybe) gonna have a party! I'm super psyched! Yay Nemo!
TowTow Queen's birthday is coming up too!
I was/am kinda pissed today because I wanted to hang out with some friedns and my dad made me feel like I was the worst person in the world, but whatever.
No more time...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey kids, how is life?
I'm so tired! The TowTow Queen and I were go, go, go nonstop today. We walked down to the castle to feed the dragon then we walked over to the OTHER dragons, then we captured all the escaped aliens! Jeez!
But, before that happened, I GOT ENGAGED! Well, not for real but, still. There's this kid named Jonathan Donathan and he kinda... well, not dislikes me, but he doesn't really like me either.
Anywho! I've been calling him boyfriend for months and he's been dealing with it. Today in Writers'/Magic The Gathering club (Writers' for me, the latter for him), I proposed to him and made him say yes. :D I love messin with this kid! (It's not like I'm mean, it just bugs him, kinda!) Our wedding will be held in exactly two weeks. There will be singing and dancing... Oh, it'll be perfect!
I'm so excited! Him... Not so much!
I'm really tired though, kids.
Nighty-bye, sleep well!
---- Miah!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All in All

Hey kids, how is life?
Mine is pretty great! Today was pretty great. I FOUND MY IPOD! We didn't have to wear lame uniforms to school today! (hip,hip) Hooray!I FOUND MY IPOD!
First was lame but less so than usual and second was better too! We had a substitute in math! Third and fourth were fun. Fifth was kinda hard because I was confused about my project and sixth was okay too! I FOUND MY IPOD! Seventh was picture taking period but they made the announcement in the end of sixth to go down. So, I asked my teacher for sixth if I should go to seventh first or just go. She said just go. So I did.
The line for getting my picture was ridiculous! I was in the line itself for fifty minutes and then the photographers kind of freaked me out. "Pop you're hip, baby! Pop it!" Oookay!
Anywho, I went to seventh and Mrs. ImmaEatYou was like,
"Oh, too bad you listened to your teacher, cause now, Sucks for you, by the way, I marked you absent!" And I was like,
"I really don't like you at all and I wanna transfer outta your class."
Okay, well, maybe I didn't say that, but I sure THOUGHT it!
Yeah! And then I hung out with the TowTow Queen and we got in a plane crash so we could travel to the castle to feed Phillipe' the Dragon. He was hungry. Then we rode a space ship halfway home but 6,000 miles out, we ran out of fuel and had to walk throught the rest of space to get home.
CRAP! I just realzed we left the aliens in the brig and now the ship is gonna be a mess when we get back. Oh, well.
(If you're confused, the last five sentences are an inside joke.)
Young Women's=Tasty cuppie cakes!
Night all, sleep well!
---- A very happy Miah! :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday GaGa!

Happy Birthday Lady GaGa! My dearest MaMa Monster!
Hey kids, how is life?
So,I absolutely love GaGa so much! She is so amazing and such an inspiration! A friend of mine (BIANCA!) recently took me to her concert and it was positively the most amazing night of my life-also my first concert!
Anywho, my day at school:
First period: sucked, pretty bad. It always does though, considering my super boring teacher and the early hour, of course. But really, is there any way to make that class fun?
Second period: Also sucked pretty bad. I hate math and I also hate my teacher. She's making the whole class redo the test because her menopause was acting up. Honestly,~insert rude comment about math teacher here~.
Oops, that was mean. I won't backspace though because I wanna be honest in this thingy.
Third period: Much better. :D Sammich is in this class. He always make me smile. Also, Bianca, Hawt is in this class! We also didn't do much this period so, I guess that was a good break.
Fourth period: Was okay, I guess. There are some pretty cute kids in there. :D
Fifth period: Ceramics was, meh, same-old, same-old.
Sixth period: Was typing. It was all right; Igot a lot done but eff my life! I think I left my I-pod in there! :(
Seventh period: Doing some Shakespearean stuffs! Fun!
Maybe I'll go hang out wiff The TowTow Queen today. I luff her!
Bahaha! Goodbye kids.
Enjoy your day. :)
)[I might write again later](

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sammich :)

I think that I am very tired but I am going to write this anyways!
Hey kids, how is life?
I'm Mariah, if you didn't know. Today I woke up very late due to my five hour long phone conversation last night that kept me awake. (THANK YOU NEMO!)
Anywho, I was doodling this morning and then, I found myself to be very, VERY hungry. I fetched food and spilled it on myself. And now, I'm an Avon sales person!
IF none of this makes sense, that's because I'm sleepy and , I apologize.
I am thinking, right now, that I want a Sammich <3
(That is a bit of an inside joke, but I suppose I'll explain)
Well, there's this kid. I may just think he's... amazing. :)) And I call him Sammich because... well that's a long story too! Any ways, this kid is GORGEOUS and funny, and, and, *sighs*. He's awesome.
I'm too tired for this. Or am I?
Good night, kids. Sleep well!