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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey kids, how is life?
I'm so tired! The TowTow Queen and I were go, go, go nonstop today. We walked down to the castle to feed the dragon then we walked over to the OTHER dragons, then we captured all the escaped aliens! Jeez!
But, before that happened, I GOT ENGAGED! Well, not for real but, still. There's this kid named Jonathan Donathan and he kinda... well, not dislikes me, but he doesn't really like me either.
Anywho! I've been calling him boyfriend for months and he's been dealing with it. Today in Writers'/Magic The Gathering club (Writers' for me, the latter for him), I proposed to him and made him say yes. :D I love messin with this kid! (It's not like I'm mean, it just bugs him, kinda!) Our wedding will be held in exactly two weeks. There will be singing and dancing... Oh, it'll be perfect!
I'm so excited! Him... Not so much!
I'm really tired though, kids.
Nighty-bye, sleep well!
---- Miah!

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