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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ooh man, update!

Well, hey kids, how is life?
Nemo didn't have that party we discussed, she told me SUPER LATE. "Super late" as in, I had already had a big arguement with my dad about letting me go! But, whatever.
School has been the same-ole-same-ole, you know? Nothing really new there.
Why does anyone read this? Do you have any idea how boring I am?
In ceramics we're doing tiles for the wall in the cafeteria! Ifeel that that's really cool because, as ninth graders (only us cool kids can take ceramics) we are literally leaving our mark on/in the school. TowTow Queen and I are both a little disappointed that we can't actually keep them, though. Meh, aw well. It's still pretty cool.
Ooh! In case anyone not from Utah (highly doubtful) is reading my blog, there has been a lot of flooding in southern Utah because of the run-off from all the snow we got in winter. And spring. Ugh. Anywhoo, that really sucks. These flood are destroying peoples crops. And I mean, it's not like it affects me all that much but, these crops are these people's whole lives. It's terrible.
HOLY CRAP! McDonalds' goal today was to hire 50,000 people! Seriously, people! Don't be so picky, go get a freaking job there! Clearly they're desperate for more employees if they're hiring 50,000 people! fifty-thousand! I'd do it but I think I have to be 16. Mleh.
TowTow Queen and I are hanging out tomorrow. We're going to Petersen's and then, maybe, if we can get a ride, we'll go to the library. I really want to. Hm... Maybe we could ride the bus!
Random Letter of the Day:

Dear Utah Weather,
I love, love, LOVE springtime. So make up your mind! And, for the sake of all things good and holy, please stop snowing.
Love, A very hopeful recipient of rain.

Bye, kids. Sleep tight!
xoxo, Miah

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