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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey kids, how is life?
I'm so tired! The TowTow Queen and I were go, go, go nonstop today. We walked down to the castle to feed the dragon then we walked over to the OTHER dragons, then we captured all the escaped aliens! Jeez!
But, before that happened, I GOT ENGAGED! Well, not for real but, still. There's this kid named Jonathan Donathan and he kinda... well, not dislikes me, but he doesn't really like me either.
Anywho! I've been calling him boyfriend for months and he's been dealing with it. Today in Writers'/Magic The Gathering club (Writers' for me, the latter for him), I proposed to him and made him say yes. :D I love messin with this kid! (It's not like I'm mean, it just bugs him, kinda!) Our wedding will be held in exactly two weeks. There will be singing and dancing... Oh, it'll be perfect!
I'm so excited! Him... Not so much!
I'm really tired though, kids.
Nighty-bye, sleep well!
---- Miah!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All in All

Hey kids, how is life?
Mine is pretty great! Today was pretty great. I FOUND MY IPOD! We didn't have to wear lame uniforms to school today! (hip,hip) Hooray!I FOUND MY IPOD!
First was lame but less so than usual and second was better too! We had a substitute in math! Third and fourth were fun. Fifth was kinda hard because I was confused about my project and sixth was okay too! I FOUND MY IPOD! Seventh was picture taking period but they made the announcement in the end of sixth to go down. So, I asked my teacher for sixth if I should go to seventh first or just go. She said just go. So I did.
The line for getting my picture was ridiculous! I was in the line itself for fifty minutes and then the photographers kind of freaked me out. "Pop you're hip, baby! Pop it!" Oookay!
Anywho, I went to seventh and Mrs. ImmaEatYou was like,
"Oh, too bad you listened to your teacher, cause now, Sucks for you, by the way, I marked you absent!" And I was like,
"I really don't like you at all and I wanna transfer outta your class."
Okay, well, maybe I didn't say that, but I sure THOUGHT it!
Yeah! And then I hung out with the TowTow Queen and we got in a plane crash so we could travel to the castle to feed Phillipe' the Dragon. He was hungry. Then we rode a space ship halfway home but 6,000 miles out, we ran out of fuel and had to walk throught the rest of space to get home.
CRAP! I just realzed we left the aliens in the brig and now the ship is gonna be a mess when we get back. Oh, well.
(If you're confused, the last five sentences are an inside joke.)
Young Women's=Tasty cuppie cakes!
Night all, sleep well!
---- A very happy Miah! :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday GaGa!

Happy Birthday Lady GaGa! My dearest MaMa Monster!
Hey kids, how is life?
So,I absolutely love GaGa so much! She is so amazing and such an inspiration! A friend of mine (BIANCA!) recently took me to her concert and it was positively the most amazing night of my life-also my first concert!
Anywho, my day at school:
First period: sucked, pretty bad. It always does though, considering my super boring teacher and the early hour, of course. But really, is there any way to make that class fun?
Second period: Also sucked pretty bad. I hate math and I also hate my teacher. She's making the whole class redo the test because her menopause was acting up. Honestly,~insert rude comment about math teacher here~.
Oops, that was mean. I won't backspace though because I wanna be honest in this thingy.
Third period: Much better. :D Sammich is in this class. He always make me smile. Also, Bianca, Hawt is in this class! We also didn't do much this period so, I guess that was a good break.
Fourth period: Was okay, I guess. There are some pretty cute kids in there. :D
Fifth period: Ceramics was, meh, same-old, same-old.
Sixth period: Was typing. It was all right; Igot a lot done but eff my life! I think I left my I-pod in there! :(
Seventh period: Doing some Shakespearean stuffs! Fun!
Maybe I'll go hang out wiff The TowTow Queen today. I luff her!
Bahaha! Goodbye kids.
Enjoy your day. :)
)[I might write again later](

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sammich :)

I think that I am very tired but I am going to write this anyways!
Hey kids, how is life?
I'm Mariah, if you didn't know. Today I woke up very late due to my five hour long phone conversation last night that kept me awake. (THANK YOU NEMO!)
Anywho, I was doodling this morning and then, I found myself to be very, VERY hungry. I fetched food and spilled it on myself. And now, I'm an Avon sales person!
IF none of this makes sense, that's because I'm sleepy and , I apologize.
I am thinking, right now, that I want a Sammich <3
(That is a bit of an inside joke, but I suppose I'll explain)
Well, there's this kid. I may just think he's... amazing. :)) And I call him Sammich because... well that's a long story too! Any ways, this kid is GORGEOUS and funny, and, and, *sighs*. He's awesome.
I'm too tired for this. Or am I?
Good night, kids. Sleep well!